Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Used Sandpaper Art

While I was sanding our floor I really wanted to save the sandpaper and do something with it! I just couldn't think of what to do with it. So a few weeks later Matt was helping me move furniture from one room to the other so I could stain the other bedroom floor, anyway the stack of sandpaper was there and I told him I wanted to keep it for something, he told me I should throw it away because we didn't need it and we could always get more. (and really he was right! we already have too much stuff) so he convinced me to toss it in the trash. It's a little embarrassing  to say I took the stack out when he left and hid it in the closet. :-/ When Maffle got home, from visiting family in Idaho, we started brainstorming ideas for the sandpaper. So this is what we came up with. I am really REALLY happy with it. :-)

 My stack of sandpaper.

We glued the sandpaper to a piece of cardboard we cut out. 

And here it is hanging over Maffle's bed.